Ave Maria — by Franz Shubert

Composer: Franz Schubert
Opus 52, No. 6
Public domain
Meter: 6/8

There are many possible interpretations of the chords for Franz Shubert's Ave Maria. This is partly because certain chords can be expressed via various enharmonic spellings, depending on the harmonic perspective, or one's adherence to the rules of music grammar. The following interpretation suffices. And please note, there are many variations on the introduction phrase and the coda phrase.

Watch Mirusia Louwerse's lovely performance of Shubert's Ave Maria, with Andre Rieu. She sings it in the key of Ab. The arrangement on this page is in the key of C; however you can transpose it to any key with Key Switch. Even capoed, the C arrangement cannot comfortable reach the key of Ab. Better to transpose to G and capo 1; or transpose to E and capo 3.

NOTE: There are other pieces entitled Ave Maria. The other most popular is probably the Bach/Gounod version. Click to play a video. Charles Gounod wrote his melody atop Bach's prelude in C, the first prelude from the Well Tempered Clavier, BWV 846.

  Ave Maria -- Opus 52, No. 6 — Song Sheet

Meter: 6/8
Key: C 


C        |        C7       |

F        F°       C        C/G


C        Am6       C/G        G7
A     -    ve  Mar-i  -     - i -

Am       |        Dm       G
a                 gratia   ple -

C        |        C+       Am/C
na             Ma-ri - a   gra-ti - a
B        B7       B°7      D°7
ple  -   na    Ma-ri - a  gra-ti-a plen -

Am       D7/A     G        A/E
na              A-ve,    a-ve domi -

G           D      G        |
nus    domi-nus te cum         Ben-e

G7       |         C        |
- dicta tu in muli-eribus Et

G7       |        Am        |
bene  -  dic  -   tus     Et

G7     E7                Dm/F        |
bene - dic - tus fructus ven - tris      ven-tris

F        F#°7     G       G7	          (or C/G in place of G)
tu  - i  Je    -  sus
C       Am6       G       G7             (or C/G in place of G)
A     -   ve  Mar-i   -   i 

- a.  


C        C        C        C7

F        F•       C        C/G

C        |        |        |

    Ave Maria -- Opus 52, No. 6  —  Chord Chart

Key of C


C        |        C7        |	

F        F•       C       C/G


C        Am6      C/G      G7

Am       |        F/D      G

C        C        C+       Am/C

B        B7       B°7      D°7

Am       D7/A     G        A/E

G        D        G        |

G7       |        C        |

G7       |        Am       |

G7       E7       Dm/F     |

F        F#°7     G        G7	
C        Am6      G        G7	



C        C        C        C7

F        F•       C       C/G

C        |        |        |

Alternate chords for last two line of Melody

Dm/F     D7/C     C/G      G
C        Am6      C/G      G7

Transpose these chords to any key with Key Switch. It's easy as 123 — just copy, paste, transpose.


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Ave Maria Gratia plena

Maria Gratia plena

Maria Gratia plena

Ave, ave dominus

Dominus tecum

Benedicta tu in mulieribus

Et benedictus

Et benedictus fructus ventris

Ventris tui Jesus

Ave Maria


Ave Maria Mater dei

Ora pro nobis pecatoribus

Ora, ora pro nobis

Ora ora pro nobis pecatoribus

Nunc et in hora mortis

In hora mortis, mortis nostrae

In hora mortis nostrae

Ave Maria




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